custom rolling tray

    Different Rolling Trays Types, Materials, and Usage

    Different Rolling Trays Types, Materials, and Usage 150 150 Moon Team

    Different Rolling Trays Types, Materials, and Usage (Updated 2022)

    A rolling tray is an essential accessory for woke smokers. Trays are excellent tools that help you perfect and streamline your rolling process. They are designed to keep all your smoking accessories and legal herb in one place. The rolling tray can differ from a simple flat surface to a broad platform with intricate builds consisting of sections and compartments. Most trays have raised edges and sunken surfaces to help create the perfect shape to hold loose herbs. Custom rolling trays come in many different designs and sizes, but you will often see more rectangular pieces as this is the standard shape.

    Types of Rolling Trays:-

    Rolling trays are categorized according to materials used in their manufacture. We have put together a list of the most popular rolling trays, citing their uniqueness, pros, and cons.

    Metal trays are durable and are often an affordable option. As the name suggests, they are made from metal sheets. They are found in any size and design that suits your preference. While they can be less fancy, they are quite functional and can be a fun collector’s item. Our Small Metal Rolling Trays are fab – More value for money, better customization options, more durable when HigH 😉

    • Wooden Trays:

    These often have more colorful designs and artworks than the others. They have more elaborate features and details and are made from planed wood. Typically, wooden trays tend to cost a little more than plastic or metal, and this is due to the intricate nature of the tray. Bare wooden trays are often less common as there has to be at least a compartment carved in a wood piece. A more complicated wooden piece might be challenging to travel with, but if you have the room to take it with you, it can usually house a lot. 

    • Plastic Rolling Trays:

    Plastic trays are an all-purpose, affordable range of rolling trays. Made from plastic, they’re not as durable as pieces made of wood or metal, but they still function well. Some plastic pieces even have intricate features and storage space. They are very easy to move around with or carry along when you travel.

    • Glass Rolling Trays:

    While not all glass pieces are made equal, you can find some incredibly thick, durable glass pieces that create a wow effect for your guests, and also stand the test of time. You can find glass trays in many different sizes, but they can be less practical to travel with than metal or plastic.

    Importance of Rolling Trays:-

    The rolling tray serves a very useful purpose in a smoker’s accessories kit. 

    • STORE: It can be used to store items like papers, lighters, filters, and other rolling accessories that are often quite small and easy to misplace.
    • SETUP: The tray serves as a hub for all your small smoke accessories. With a rolling tray, you always know where your smoking supplies are when you’re ready to roll.
    • ENCLOSURE: Trays also make it easy for you to gather any stray smoking herbs instead of losing them (and your money).
    • CLEAN: When you use a rolling tray, you’re saving the other surfaces in your home from being at risk of getting sticky or dirty with smoke particles from overtime use.
    • FUN: In addition to being a super helpful smoking tool, trays are also an amusing way to show your personality! Your tray talks about you, so make sure you are saying it right! Some trays are so extravagant that they become true, collectible art pieces. The seemingly endless variety of designs and custom options also makes trays a great personalized gift. No matter what your friend or family is into, there is bound to be a gift tray to suit their personality.

    Questions To Ask When You Need to Buy a Rolling Tray

    Before you start your search on how to make rolling trays, you should have a clear sense of your rolling needs. Here are some questions to help you assess your needs:

    • What size workspace do you use? The size of your workspace is a strong determinate of the type of rolling tray that would suit you. With a large workspace, you can benefit from a large piece that has more storage components and could also serve as a decorative piece. For a small space or if you plan to travel with the tray, a smaller tray will serve your purpose better. 
    • How much do you roll? If you have a stockpile of accessories that you like to always have with you, you should consider a tray with more storage features. Some trays have holes so you can keep what you’ve rolled upright and safely stored. 
    • What is your budget? If you’re rolling on a budget, then cheap rolling trays will get the job done. However, if you want to splurge, you might want to look into the high-end glass rolling trays from top brands like us.

    The Tray 101 Wrapup!

    We have a stockpile of different types of trays from simple to extravagant. Our range of custom rolling trays consists of metals, plastic, wooden, and glass ranges of trays. BUT, we are all in for tailor-made requests and you can opt for whatever design you want, your fav style, and material; just contact us and get tray-rolling!

    Whether you are a casual smoker or an experienced spliff puff, a rolling tray is a necessity. A rolling tray helps you to spice up your rolling experience and enhance your rolling routine. All the more fun, all the more thrilling!

    At Moon Smoking, we have created an exhibition of predesigned and custom rolling trays to fit your sense of style and particular needs. We have trays with removable slot compartments in various sizes, designs, and prints. Our rolling trays come in multiple sizes, and it caters to all segments of users. You can count on us to offer you and your customer base the right quality branded rolling trays for all occasions.