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    October 2020

    Difference Between Joints, Blunts, Bongs, Dabs, and Other Ways of Smoking Cannabis

    Difference Between Joints, Blunts, Bongs, Dabs, and Other Ways of Smoking Cannabis 150 150 Moon Team

    What’s the Difference Between Joints, Blunts, Bongs, Dabs, and Other Ways of Smoking Cannabis?

    Do you seek a healthier way to consume your cannabis?

    Note that inhalation, of any sort, cannot be referred to as safe. Typically, cannabis is packed with toxins and carcinogens, which scientists warn may cause severe [long term] damage to users’ health.

    However, some methods may be less toxic and, hence, less harmful than others.

    Quickly, let’s discuss the different methods and smoking accessories. You’d all find some smoke-free cannabis dosage options you may find desirable:

    Vaping Looks Safe

    Common knowledge suggests inhaling smoke can be unhealthy for your lungs. For this, many smokers have resorted to vape as they believe it’s safe. But, this isn’t entirely correct.

    Increasing evidence shows that vaping may present some side effects. One primary concern with vape is the inhalation of Vitamin E acetate, an additive present in most THC-rich vaping products.

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)believes this chemical additive has been widely linked to several cases of vaping or e-cigarette-related lung injury and, in worse cases, death.

    Vitamin E acetate, however, is only found in e-juice and not the cannabis herbs.

    A 2016 research shows that vaping cannabis buds – not e-juice –is less damaging to the respiratory system than traditional smoking. So far, research on vaping remains too limited for any conclusive statements.

    However, besides the impact on lung health, potency is also a debate. People who consume cannabis through vape reports more potent effects, even with less THC, than when smoked. By this, many vape users may find themselves more intoxicated with vaping than smoking. 

    What About Bongs?

    Do they filter out the harmful stuff?

    A bit. Not enough to make it healthy.

    Bongs deliver cooler and smoother hits – No direct heat as with paper-rolled cannabis. 

    Noteworthily – however, although inhalation ‘feels’ less harsh, not to your lungs. 

    Should I then Consider Joints and Blunts?

    First, remember you’d still inhale smoke, whether with blunts or joints. However, it may be fair enough to call the-perfect joints a lesser of the two evils. Since blunts are made with a hollowed-out cigarette, the rolling papers and the cigars are notably toxic.

    Although tobacco is emptied, nitrosamines and other cancer-causing toxins remain in the cigar. Even, rolling papers produce smoke with remarkably toxic concentrations.

    Next, size. Blunts come in larger sizes than joints and, hence, offer more pot per wrap. Typically, one blunt equals about six joints.

    It Should Be Dabbing!

    They say dabbing promises a ‘cleaner high.’ Not so true.

    Budder, or dabs, releases up to 80 percent more THC concentration than other weed products. However, being a relatively new concept, researches on its effects are still in their infancy. Experts advise that more info may be needed to state the true nature of dabbing cannabis and its adverse effects – if any.

    However, reports from growing research think the use of high-THC-concentrated products may cause long-term mental disorders like psychosis. Again, THC misuse, which, too often, leads to addiction, and eventual drug dependency, is a critical concern with dosing high-THC, particularly among the millennials.

    Also, without adequate experience in extraction and/or state-of-the-art lab equipment, you may have a hard time [if ever] obtaining pure dabs.

    A study reveals dabs may contain residual solvents and contaminants, which may cause cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity. 

    Besides, your respiratory system suffers from dabbing. Evidence shows some cases of vaping-related lung damage.

    Some Other Methods

    So far, it seems there are no safe ways around smoking cannabis. That’s what it is. However, there are several other options you may want to check out. Let’s quickly discuss them:

    • Edibles

    Unlike with vaping and smoking, ingesting your cannabis product has no business with your lungs. The only issue is that edibles do not offer instantaneous effect, since it first goes through the digestive system before it enters the bloodstream.

    The right side, however, is that the effect stays way longer than with inhalation. Again, edibles come in different dosage forms – from baked foods to gummies and candies. 

    • Sublingual

    By sublingual administration, your CBD product – tincture, dissolvable tables, etc. – is placed beneath the tongue and held for about 60 seconds.

    This method is adjudged faster than ingestion since the compounds are delivered through the sublingual gland directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system.

    • Topicals

    Topicals are skin applications, including balms, creams, and lotions. They may help relieve inflammation and pain at targeted spots on the body.

    • Suppositories

    While it may sound weird, shoving weed up your vagina or butt is a thing. There are many CD-infused suppositories on the market designed for several therapeutic reasons, including nausea relief or pain. Some are high in THC, for increased benefits. 

    If You Must Smoke, Consider These Things…

    Quit smoke’ is the healthiest advice there is for smokers. But if you wish to continue smoking – even with the known risks – here are helpful tips to always have handy: 

    • Don’t hold your smoke too long

    The longer you hold in weed smoke, the higher tar consumed and the higher risk of lung damage. Holding your smoke for too long does your lungs more harm than good. 

    • Choose FDA-approved rollers

    While rolling papers may all look natural, some contain toxic favors and chemicals. Buying your rolling papers, insist on FDA-approved products

    • Prefer glass pipes and bongs

    Rubber bongs may be high in phthalates, BPA, and related harmful chemicals, which may cause severe health conditions like cancer. 

    • Keep your tools clean

    Ensure your pipes, bongs, and even rolling papers are in good shape. Prevent your weed from any unhygienic surface contacts. 

    • Don’t pass your joints or share your mouthpiece

    While it’s fair to share your stash, it’s not cool with bongs, pipes, and joints. Spit-spit contact that occurs when sharing these items may cause high exposure to infections.


    There’s no such thing as a safe way to smoke weed. Regardless of your preferred dosage preference, any form of inhalation poses a danger to the lungs.

    The safest way to consume cannabis is through an oral, topical, or sublingual application. These ways, you consume all cannabis has to offer, but without the lung-threatening smoke. 

    But if you insist on puffs, vaporizers that favor flowers, and not concentrates, may be safer.

    If you’re unsure which roller paper to begin using or improve your smoking experience, Moon Smoking offers a wide range of products, both for retailers and wholesale purchases. Feel free to discuss with us if you ever get lost in the options or for more inquiries. 

    Machine Packed and Hand Packed Rolling Paper – Fact and Fiction

    Machine Packed and Hand Packed Rolling Paper – Fact and Fiction 150 150 Moon Team

    Where do you get your rolling paper from?

    Whichever way you want to look at it, the rolling paper affects the quality of the smoking experience. While many might chose to make light of this important aspect of the smoking culture, for some of the best smoke enthusiasts and connoisseurs, the choice of rolling papers, the credibility of the rolling paper manufacturer, and the process of production are key factors to consider when choosing a rolling paper brand.

    The custom rolling papers making industry is continually evolving to capture the latest technology and the application of modern manufacturing techniques to create the perfect paper. These techniques are applied across a range of functions including manufacturing, packaging, handling, transportation, and storage.

    Today, we shall be taking a cursory look at one aspect of the papermaking process that is quite important yet most often overlooked. We shall be looking into the process of making and packing rolling papers with a view to show the difference and suitability of machine-packed rolling papers over traditional hand-packed rolling papers.

    The Hand Packed Rolling Paper

    So there you are, staring into the rolls of shelves at your local grocery store, trying to decide on which pack of rolling paper to take home and get your Kush lighted up. There are many to choose from, different types; some flavored, others plain and then there is the one that sits distinct, with bold letters “Hand Packed”, printed on the packaging. 

    What’s the deal, you ask? Does this make for a better product? Also, if it does, does it get even better when lighted up?

    Well, the answers to the above questions lie solely with preference. Yes! It all depends on your preference for a particular type of product. 

    While some people have declared a preference for handmade rolling papers, they are not any different from machine-made papers. In fact, the hand-made and packed rolling papers are known to be an unhygienic choice due to the grave amount of human interaction with the manufacturing process.

    Some proponents of hand packing have opined that hand-packed rolling papers have a distinct flavor and edge that sets them above machine-packed papers however, recent research studies show different. Especially after the widely spread pandemic across the globe; and it is evident here, why!

    According to a recent scientific clinical study by a select industry research panel made up of packaging industry industrial scientists, research engineers, randomly selected consumers, packaging product development specialists, and numerous other types of visionaries, it was determined that hand packing a food product has virtually no effect on its flavor. Instead, with handmade and packed papers, you run the risk of contamination with human hair, saliva, and in some instances harmful bacteria. Hand-made and packed paper are also very expensive and do not offer product consistency.

    Machine Made and Packed, over Hand Made and Packed

    Because of the inherent risks and poor economics associated with handmade and packed rolling papers, many rolling paper-making companies are shifting their production to fully automatic. The pandemic effects have further cemented their decisions to invest in the long-term benefits of machine packaged routines!

    For us at Moon Smoking, we value your health and because we always strive to provide a great smoking experience for you, we have moved our custom rolling paper factory to fully automatic. All our processes have limited human interactions and our custom rolling papers are made to the highest possible standards in the industry.

    Some of the benefits of Machine packed papers over hand-packed papers include:-

    Elimination of the human factor:

    Possibly the most glaring positive benefit of the modern paper packing process is that it eliminates the “human” factor. Machine packing eliminates all associated risks of running a solely manual process. The risks of willful contamination of products and issues relating to human errors are eliminated leaving an almost perfect product you can trust.

    A more hygienic option:

    Machine-packed custom rolling papers are a more hygienic option. Because we understand the nature of man and his inherent excesses, we are conscious of how we allow human interaction with your rolling paper. Cases of unhygienic handling or contamination are totally eliminated in a fully automatic process.

    Better pricing:

    With machine-packed papers, we are able to offer a better price option for you. Because of the swift nature of the production process, less cost on labor, and lower downtime, we are able to get a more quality paper at the best possible price. We utilize the latest technology and techniques to produce papers that surpass every standard while remaining affordable.

    Check out how to Check Machine packed papers over hand-packed papers with proof, using the tutorial below!

    The Moon Smoking Difference

    We are The Moon Group, manufacturers of bespoke, made-to-order tobacco smoking accessories including but not limited to rolling paper, filter tips, cones, etc. Since 2010, we have continued to offer the Asian tobacco industry and tobacco industries across the world the much-needed style-focused smoke accessories to achieve a remarkable experience.

    Our top-of-the-range quality custom rolling papers are produced under stringent conditions of quality and safety and are made almost perfect for your smoking pleasure. We have invested massively in product lines and processes that prioritize consumer satisfaction. You can trust us to deliver quality products that meet the exquisite taste of you and your clientele base.

    Our approach to rolling paper production has helped us to:-

    1. Decrease product costs: Manual packaging needs labor to pack products, our automated process line has helped reduce the cost associated with labor and has eliminated risks associated with human interactions. Our assembly packing lines have made our products reliable, cost-effective, and trustworthy, and it offers the best packing solutions for finer paper.
    2. Enhance Order Speed: With our fully automatic process, we can meet any order request in a quick time. We are primed to meet the demands of the budding tobacco industry across Asia, the Middle East, and around the world.
    3. Enduring Support: With one process less to worry about, our team of experts is always on hand to support customers at all times. We provide support services for wholesale customers and businesses that require expertise in the industry.

    At Moon Smoking, we have been manufacturing and selling rolling papers, filter tips, and custom smoking accessories for over a decade. We are the top recipient of the 2016 Golden Leaf Award presented by Tobacco Reporter.